Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey Calls on Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to Resign Following Explosive Leaked Comments

Doug Ducey


Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Friday called on Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to resign after reports of leaked comments made by the top security official.

In the comments obtained by Fox News, Mayorkas said, “A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose and this is unsustainable.”

In July alone, more than 212,000 migrants were encountered while attempting to illegally cross the southern border.

While the remark by Mayorkas seemingly indicates the need for stronger border security, the Biden administration has taken little steps to increase security measures.

“Unlike Secretary Mayorkas, Arizonans understand that strong borders are essential to public safety and national security. The Biden-Harris administration’s record of failure on this issue has led to this moment. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, through their words and their actions, have signaled to the world that America’s southern border is wide open and unprotected,” Ducey said of the comments.

Furthermore, Mayorkas went on to detail that the federal government’s system was not designed to handle the large number. However, publicly, Mayorkas and the Biden administration have looked to Central America to solve the border crisis.

Ducey ended his statement with a resounding call on the DHS Secretary to step down from his position.

“The buck must stop somewhere. A defeatist is not what we need when it comes to fighting for border security. It is time for Secretary Mayorkas to resign, and for him to be replaced with someone who will tell the American people the truth publicly, stand up to the radical activists inside the Biden-Harris administration and once and for all end the crisis at the southern border. The safety of Arizona and our entire nation depends on it,” Ducey added.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Doug Ducey” by Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0.








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7 Thoughts to “Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey Calls on Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas to Resign Following Explosive Leaked Comments”

  1. Carlo DaBeenurz

    Ducey is a lame duck Governor. He has other political aspirations. He needs to grow sacs and defend the Arizona people and be unrelenting in seeing a huge change at the border.

  2. Edward Cane

    Biden and Harris should resign. Immediately.

  3. Alberticus

    There is NO “war on terror”
    If those Yellow Bellied Cowards in Washington DC actually thought there was a real threat to their precious fat behinds …………. That Mexican border would have been sealed tight by noon 9/12/2001. Just look at how they squealed like PIGS and hid under their desks on Jan.6th. Look how fast THEY got a WALL, Troops, and TANKS all around to protect THEIR FAT A–ES.
    The “war” is on the Constitution, on YOUR RIGHTS.
    DHS should have built “the wall” 19 years ago.
    DHS has an annual budget of $100+BILLION and does SQUAT.
    ever wonder why the Department of Homeland Security did not seal the borders and ban ALL muslums and ILLEGALS from entering ….. 19 YEARS ago?
    It was the ONLY JOB it HAS — SECURE the Homeland!
    DHS is NOT about SECURING the Homeland ……. Where were the PANSIES from Department of Homeland Security during ANTIFA riots? They were right there on TV! Where are the SELF PROCLAIMED “heroes” of Homeland Security that should be arresting the BLMantifa DOMESTIC TERRORISTS who are using violence and the threat of violence in the furtherance of their political aims ……. which is the exact definition of TERRORISM ?! They are padding their overtime, counting their perks, dreaming of their “double dipper” retirements at YOUR expense, and stealing equipment.
    “The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its objective is not over Eurasia or East Asia but to keep society intact.” — George Orwell From “1984”
    “I am a HERO from Homeland Security and you must WORSHIP me and “Thank me for serving”” ——— POOP on DHS ……. cowards run and hide —
    DHS could not protect a pizza pie from Michael Moore.

  4. Roy Davis

    In the comments obtained by Fox News, Mayorkas said, “A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose and this is unsustainable.”

    So thats what he says when he thinks no one is listening? What does he say publicly?

  5. I call on Arizona Governor Ducey to resign following the details of his involvement of the fraudulent and criminal election in thestate of Arizona.

    1. Buck Fiden

      You beat me to it! Thumbs up!

  6. M.Barbieri

    Hurray for Arizona’s Governor Mayorkas! We need are borders closed! NOW!!!
